For the last three and a half years I’ve been hard at work on a PhD in English with a Creative Writing dissertation. I read that as much as I could before starting it, and everyone agreed that it was time consuming, often rigorous, and that in then you’ll have less time to write than doing just about anything else.

This was all true for me.

Now that I’m nearing the end of it, with the finish line within sight, I remembered that there was this blog thing I had that I haven’t really used much lately. In fact, I barely did enough to keep it running. I figure with the New Year that it would be good if I got into the habit of using this thing again. Get into my muscles again the idea that I should publish something that isn’t as tightly managed and worked on like the things I try to get published elsewhere and to talk about the things that I find interesting.

Writers run into weird stuff all the time, interesting stuff that knocks around in our heads and we like to write it down for others to see whereas others save it for conversations at the bar.

Anyways, I’m writing this more for me than for you. Because this is such an ugly untrimmed hedgerow, abandoned for so long, I doubt anyone will see this. Well, good. Because I’m promising this to myself: write something weekly for this space purely because whatever it is keeps rattling in my head. Get that journalist, workmen, publication schedule in to put up the stuff that is interesting to me, and maybe for somebody else.

Got to teach this old blog some new tricks.

A New Year, a new place, an old Blog.